Duplicate or Clone a database record with Laravel
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Have you ever needed to duplicate or clone a database record? Laravel provides a very handy function for this called replicate
which will take an Eloquent model and make a copy so you can then make changes and save it.
Here's an example of how you might use this. Let's pretend you have a blog post and you want to make a copy of it to publish again. First grab the original model:
$post = Post::find(1);
Next, call the replicate method on it:
$newPost = $post->replicate();
Now, you can make any changes you need to the model and then resave it.
$newPost->created_at = Carbon::now();
All together it would look like this:
$post = Post::find(1);
$newPost = $post->replicate();
$newPost->created_at = Carbon::now();
if you want to add number with name follow this method
use App\Models\Product;
protected static function booted()
static::creating(function ($product) {
$originalName = $product->product_name;
// Initialize variables
$baseName = $originalName;
$lastNumber = 2; // Default to 2 if no number found
// Extract the base name and last number from the name, if any
if (preg_match('/^(.*)-(\d+)$/', $originalName, $matches)) {
$baseName = $matches[1];
$lastNumber = intval($matches[2]);
// Generate a new name by incrementing the last number
$newName = $baseName . '-' . $lastNumber;
// Check if the new name already exists
$count = Product::where('product_name', $newName)->count();
while ($count > 0) {
// If the new name exists, increment the number and check again
$newName = $baseName . '-' . $lastNumber;
$count = Product::where('product_name', $newName)->count();
// Set the product's name to the unique name
$product->product_name = $newName;
Example :
- Product name
- Product name - 2
- Product name - 3
- Product name -4
This replicate
method is really helpful for quickly cloning or duplicating a database record.
Hope it will help.......
Thank you.
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